
Working Efficiently: 5 Tips To Keep You In Shape

In a typical work day, you have 8 hours in a day to get things done. Sometimes, we might end up stretching beyond. But those are usual cause for concern in the overtime category.

Fortunately, there are many interesting tips that can help you work more efficiently and get into top shape.

We’ll talk about them in this article!

Pareto Principle

The 80/20 rule is the Pareto principle. This phenomenon claims 80% of outcomes come from 20% of efforts and causes. Italian sociologist and economist Vilfredo Pareto came up wih his principle after realizing 80% of the land in his region was owned by 20% of the population.

This principle is seen as a power law distribution. Although the original application of the principle stems from economics, you might want to apply this towards your daily life. Most particularly, your work life, too!

At work, you have to divert most out of your energy from the outputs that impact your workplace the most. For example, you work as a content writer for a publishing house or an author. Eighty per cent of your work’s value as a writer comes from 20% of the written content you have.

By focusing on the 20%, you will have more energy for other activities in the day without letting too much work tire you out and also simultaneously contribute to your organization’s daily operations. It’s an efficient way to work by.

Urgent Things First

The Eisenhower Matrix is a tool people use to define the tasks most important to them – and among them, the most urgent items. The most urgent items are labeled, Most Important Tasks; if you do not narrow down the most urgent and important tasks, you will not be able to fully be productive.

The most productive people know how to discern the most high-value and important tasks. If there are less important tasks on their plate, they know that they need to delegate them.

All you got to do is to narrow down the most crucial tasks you can devote your energy to!

Manage Your Energy

You might wanna ask yourself: what hours of the day do you work best in? A person’s energy has peaks and ebbs. If you feel most energized during day, then it is better for you to work within the day. The peaks and flows of your energy levels is caused by ultradian rhythms.

You may want to organize and delegate your work time to the times that your energy is at its best. Menial tasks go to times when you’re more drained. High-urgency tasks for beginning of the day if you’re a morning person.

Break Down Your Tasks

People procrastinate for a lot of reasons. One is that tasks seem too daunting. If tasks are too daunting, you can simplify by them. The surefire way for it is to break them down into smaller steps.

For example, I’d be writing a landing page; that means these are my tasks:

  • Research (topic and keywords)
  • Outline with keywords 
  • Actually write the article
  • Add 1 internal link and 1 outbound link
  • Grammar and SEO check

Take Breaks

Lastly, all work and no play? That sucks. Thus, you need to take breaks. Do something fun, like resting your mind or napping.

During your break, you can break out the games you play. Go play Online bingo or go on TikTok! Breaks can lessen stress.

Wrapping Up

Working can be tiring sometimes. Let’s face it, though: you can have better days. And more productive ones. With these tips, you can work more efficiently!

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